Graduation/Promotion requirements

Graduation/Promotion Requirements
At the high school level, students are promoted or graduated only by passing subjects for which they receive
Graduation Requirements:

Grade 9 to 10 promotion: 5.5 credits
Grade 10 to 11 promotion: 11.5 credits
Grade 11 to 12 promotion: 17.5 credits
*Graduation: minimum of 23.5 credits

23.5 credits: 4 English, 3 Math, 3 Science, 4 Social Studies, 2 World Languages, 1.5 Health
and Physical Education, 2 Arts and Humanities, and 4 Electives. (One of the four electives
must include one of the following: an additional math or science.
All students must complete the Senior Project.
All students must satisfy PA Act 158.

Grade Values
A = 90-100; B = 80-89; C = 70-79; D = 60-69; F = 59 & Below