Our Goals


Goal: Assist students to “get back” on track academically, socially, and behaviorally:

  • Personalized Learning Goals
  • Small Credit Recovery Class Size
  • Schoolwide Intervention Time
  • Bi-weekly Academic Progress Check-ins
  • Strategic Mathematics and Literacy 1:1 Pullout Sessions
  • Personal Academic Accountability Reflection System
  • Online Academic Recovery Courses (as required)

Mental & Behavioral Health:

Goal: Improve the overall health and lives of children, adolescents, and adults, as well as: Supporting the principles of Balanced and Restorative Justice

  • Weekly Counseling Sessions
  • Strategic Check-in/Check-out System
  • KOOTH – Online mental health support
  • COMHAR – Onsite Student Health & Human Services
  • Personal Behavioral Accountability Reflection System
  • Restorative Practices/Peer Mediations
  • Check-in/Check-out
  • Social and Emotional Learning/7 Mindsets Curriculum

Community & Recreational:

Goal: Offer activities and opportunities to help children grow:

  • Weekly Recognition
  • Monthly Awards Assembly
  • Monthly Trips (Behavioral, Academics, and Effort-Based)
  • Student Council
  • Parent & Community Engagement
  • ELECT: Teen pregnancy support