Uniform Policy

The district’s dress code teaches grooming and hygiene, prevents disruption, minimizes safety
hazards, and maintains a positive learning climate. Students and parents may determine a student’s
personal dress and grooming standards, provided that they comply with the following:

The district prohibits pictures, symbols, emblems, or writing on clothing, accessories (i.e. jewelry,
rings, or belt buckles) that:
● Are lewd, offensive, vulgar, or obscene;
● Advertise or depict tobacco products, alcoholic beverages, drugs, or any other illegal

● Refer to gang activities; and/or violence.
Clothing (dresses, skirts, shorts, skorts) must be no shorter than five inches from the top of the
Students are prohibited from wearing plain white t-shirts as a part of the dress code.
Students will not be permitted to wear see-through clothing or have bare midriffs, bare shoulders, or
backless fashions.
Tank tops, muscle shirts, or clothing with spaghetti straps or strapless garments are prohibited.
These items may be worn ONLY with a full t-shirt (with sleeves) underneath.
Undergarments may not be worn as outerwear.
Pants, shorts, and slacks must be worn at the natural waist (no more than one size larger than the
student’s natural waist size).
Students must wear shoes at all times. Cleats on shoes will not be permitted. Expressly prohibited
footwear are bathroom slippers, footwear not intended for outdoor wear, and shoes with roller
Extremely torn clothing will not be permitted. Holes or shredding in jeans or similar garments shall
not reveal undergarments at any time.
Students may not wear hats, hoods, face gaiters, sheisty masks, or bandanas in the building (neither
males nor females).
Sunshades may not be worn in the building or classroom.
Clothing items that present a concern for safety may not be worn (i.e. chains, dog collars).
Any disruptive, unsafe, or distractive mode of clothing, that adversely impacts
the education process is not acceptable.

**PLA-N school shirts can be purchased for a $10 fee.

Failure to comply with the school dress code will result in the student changing attire to
align with the school’s dress code.